The ship sailed through the night and we awoke to a very calm ocean, quite the contrast to yesterdays weather. It seems as though the crew are determined to make up for the lost landing of yesterday and today we have 3 trips. 2 are landings, Danco Island and Port Lockroy and the other is a cruise in the zodiacs around paradise bay. Once again everyone is excited and eager to see and feel more of this beautiful environment.
We soon found ourselves on Danco Island, where we walked to the top of this small island. There was a Gentoo colony at the top and as we walked up we past them either making their way up the steep incline or comically down it. The views atop where inspiring and the first real taste of what Antarctica looks like. Till this point we had only been looking across at sea level or up at never down upon. We were now though and it was exhilarating. I once again found a nice quiet place to park my bum to enjoy it all, I also took the time to watch the wildlife and the reactions of the other guests. Some enjoyed the tranquillity and other striped down to unusual under wear to have strange photo opportunities.
There's whales in this one. Honest! |
The journey to Paradise was wonderful, scenery was varied and much of our lunch was spent staring out of the windows. The plan for here was a cruise in the zodiacs to see if we could see some wildlife, but also to get close to the scenery. It didn't disappoint! We saw Leopard seals lying out on the ice, we got a idea of how huge they are, one of the few creatures in the world who have no apparent predators, it seems that even killer whales leave them be.
The last photo before our battery ran out |
After we had had our time here we were shuttled over to Port Lockroy. Sadly we had little time here to get a real feel of the historic place and we managed to chat to the guilds a bit and Sarah chatted for quite awhile with one. I purchased a map of the area Probably the furthest south I'll ever spend money. We said our farewell and we were taken back to the ship.
Another fine meal was served and the scenery was lit up by the setting sun.
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