The Leaving Party

The Leaving Party

Party and the off

We're off again on our travels!!!
After months of thinking about it, formulating the plan, booking our flights and last minute packing we were in need of a farewell party with a fine mix of Tod harriers, Calderdale tri club members and West Mount Vets staff. The theme was Heros and Villains, creating a good opportunity to get the fancy dress box out. Mr and Mrs Incredible hosted the party with fine attendences from Dangermouse, Trinity, Bonnie and Clyde, Calamity Jane and Wyatt Earp (or was it Woody from Toy Story), Number 1, Santa, The one and only miniture hero and may more.
Two weeks since the party now and our Bikes and bags are packed. A marathon has been run and we are ready to go......

Thursday, 8 December 2011

29th November 2011

Today was all down hill and again through some amazing scenery. We had a leisurely rise and when we ventured out the mountains were bathed in sun shine and SNOW! Well we think it may have been hail which had fallen on us, but being at a lower level ours had melted. We were soon packed up and on our way.
The great thing about this Route 40 is how quiet it is. Yesterday we saw probably 4 cars all day and there weren´t many more today.
The ride in all took in all sorts of different landscapes from the high mountains to beautiful lush rivers. We had to ford one river in particular several time. A couple of times we removed our shoes and waded across, but a few time we found the bottle to cross on the bikes. I would like to say we didn´t  get wet feet, but we did, not from falling in though.
We were soon in the home straight and we were truly happy to see the sign which welcomed us "CACHI". We went straight to the campsite, which was deserted! Tent pitched, ourselves showered. We headed in to town for a celebratory meal of goat and beef and local wine.

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