Onwards more rapidly now, especially with the very dark clouds threatening over our right shoulder. Seeming to hang on the moutains, but every so often we could feel a splatter of rain. Climbing out of the valley we reached an antiplateu at 2000m, completley composed of one very very straight road and desert. Neither of us had any idea from out map that this was to be the case. In hindsight I guess the absence of all villages on the map in this area should have given it away. We were carrying full complement of water (part of the reason the bikes felt so heavy) incase we needed to overnight camp away from civilisation.
Eventually, having checked out and disregarded 2 boarded up goat herder huts, we found an area where the sand dunes had got large enough to give us some descent shelter from the wind to pitch our tent.
Our tent truely felt like a safe secure home that night, dry (it did rain and thunder later as well), sheltered from the wind and cosy, only the small amount of sand that found its way into everything to annoy us.
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