16th April, Cerro Catedral, Bariloche

Really neither of us wants to come home, but tomorrow we fly. So today we decided to go for a nice walk in the surrounding mountains. Sarah had spotted a walk in the pages she had brutally torn from a helpless book, good call though as they have come in handy for this last part of the trip.
It was going to be a fairly long day with a bus journey first up to a ski resort. The journey was quite nice and as we wound our way towards the peaks we got an idea of what lay ahead and it excited the both of. The resort was a weird ghost town of a place, but I sure it isn't at all like this in the winter. We strolled up to the cable car as this is how we were to get to the start of the walk. According to the pages Sarah had from the lonely planet we could walk from the resort to the cable car station. However it sad that "The only reason for doing this was to save money or build character"! We had the money and at this point plenty of character, this did fade a little when we saw how much it was for the ride up, but it soon recovered when we found we could purchase a single which was half the price.

Now I have a fear of height as some of you know, but cable car never really bother me. This one however looked like cold war surplus and I was pleased when we got to the top! At the top was an obligatory over priced restaurant, we used the very nice facilities then headed off.
The walk was over mainly loose rock and scree, but with some very beautiful view. According to the book we just needed to follow the red dots, and although in some places they were a little hard to find it was very well marked. Mountains above and valleys below, it was yet again another beautiful part of this beautiful country. It was made even more spectacular by the turning of the trees as autumn gained a grip in the valleys below us. The walking wasn't at all technical and I had to go out of my way to find some sort of scrabbling to make me happy. On reaching the highest point we were greeted by some amazing views of some very strange rock formations, the action of wind and rain creates some of the most strange and weird structures. Some even look as if the challenge the laws of physics. All though do one thing and that is, they take your breath away.

Up here we found the Catedral, it had the feel of an abandoned castle cliffs looked like battlements and turrets, an eerie place. The presents of condor made the place more moody and for me a final glimpse of this majestic bird felt a exciting as the first time I saw one. One the decent down towards the refugio I was given one last view and then they were gone. This walk was a little more harder going as the path was covered with large stones and made for slow going. We did stop for a nice break over looking a tarn which was above the refugio and fed it with water.

The walk from here was all down through forest and through ever changing colours. We didn't have a care in the world and we savoured this last day until the end. The end unfortunately came in the form of a full on sprint to catch the bus. For my talented partner Sarah no trouble, for me however it stung. It felt like when your a kid running down a hill and feeling out of control. The big difference between me and the kid, is I know what it feels like to fall and you don't find to many kids wearing thermals either. Sweat was pouring off me by the time we got to the bus. The good thing that did come from my excursion was we would of had to wait an hour for the next one.