Now we will both confess that out and backs are our least favourite journey, but today we had little choice. The reason for the dislike is the knowledge of terrain and the fact the scenery in most cases isn't as amazing as the first time. You soon realise over here that the scenery needs to be seen as many ways as possible, especially in the autumn.
The final pass |
We were soon our way and enjoying ourselves, it apparently down hill yesterday. Yesterday I would of argued with anyone that it wasn't. It wasn't to hard going and when we arrived at the beach we stopped at yesterday, we stopped again to enjoy the view and have a quick snack. It is quite amazing how over a matter of a few hours that the colour of the changing trees has intensified. This make the line just below the snowline look as though the trees are on fire, the colours are really that intense.We soon were packing back up and heading on toward our next campsite. One thing I forgot to mention yesterday is that we had to go over a pass this was to be our last climb of the trip and from here on in the road would be rolling.
We didn't have to far to our next campsite and on our way we were joined by a group of Argentinian cyclists. Sarah did the talking and found out that they were cycling from San Martin to Villa la Angostura and intended to stay at the same campground as us. They were travelling with a support vehicle so they weren't carrying any kit other than rucksacks, but we kept up. What did puzzle us however was when we got to the turning they shot off down a hill and disappeared from view, as I was turning the support car turned up and asked which way they had gone so we pointed straight on.
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