A peaceful nights sleep although it was really cold this morning cooking breakfast (porridge) and packing the tent away. The sun had yet to reach us through the trees and sunrise doesn't happen until almost 8am now anyway.
The sky was perfectly clear, not a cloud in sight. We had a beautiful day out on the bikes. The road condition was bad but there were no worries about meeting traffic, just 2 walkers, so we could meander all over the road searching for the best part of the road. We did manage to cycle sections of the uphill part, just a fair amount of pushing in there as well. In some ways it was great that everyone had stressed how bad the road was and how much pushing we would have to do as in the end the top of the path arrived as a pleasant surprise. It really hadn't been as bad as people had lead us to believe.
Walking back to the bikes, everything was as we'd left it and we sat in the sun for so food before starting our descent. The next 4-5km through the national park and rough track was great fun. Pretty much all downhill so not much pedalling effort required, with plenty of corners, tree roots and the occasional rock to dodge so really different and interesting cycling for a while. I loved it. Once past the national park boundary the path opened up to ripio road again.Very slightly smoother, definitely less tree roots to dodge and the occasional car.
We continued downward and could see that we were ultimately approaching the cloud filled valley we'd spotted from the viewpoint. We thought about stopping in the sun above the cloud, but ultimately we wanted to get on a bit and the forecast was for the weather to get worse over the next few days so we thought we might as well push on. Passing through the cloud was slightly eerie. Intermittent light broke through from the sun, but it was cold, damp and gloomy. We soon stopped to put on leggings and lots of layers of clothes on. Downwards and downwards, easy cycling, but doing absolutely nothing to help warm us up. Surprisingly as we reached Conaripe on the shores of lake Calafquen, the sun did start to reach us again. The cloud was forming a layer or band in the middle part of the valley, obscuring views but above and below the band of cloud the day was good. Unfortunately it did mean that we didn't have any of the views of Volcan Villarica that we should have been able to see from this side, just rocky hillside disappearing into the cloud.
A coffee stop was definitely in order and we found a restaurant that served us some nescafe on a tray. Instant coffee is the norm especially in Chile. Usually they will give you the jar, possibly some milk or some powdered stuff and then some hot water to add to it all. Most important was being able to wrap my hands around a nice warm cup.
Feeling better after the coffee we found our way to a panadaria, bought some fresh bread and empanadas and were then ready to head on a bit further. Out of the village we followed a river valley slowly uphill. The weather quickly improved and the cold damp clouds soon became a distant memory. As we cycled onwards passing through tiny villages the road became steeper so that before we knew it we were climbing over another small pass. Again lovely views down into a valley, this time over lake Pellaifa. A hairpined descent and we were at the gate to 'Termus Conaripe'. We'd decided at this point that if we could pitch our tent near or at the Termus (hotsprings) then that was far enough for us today. Termus Conaripe was a large, much advertised Termus and although they did deals for lunch or 'elevenses' with entrance to the hotsprings, it wasn't cheap and didn't look like the kind of place that a couple of scruffy cyclists could pitch their tent on the lawn.
It was good timing as we showered, got back at the tent we had time to cook our dinner before retreating into the tent to eat it as the forecasted bad weather eventually reached us. This was certainly one of our best campsites, very quiet with only us there, cold showers but 3 hot baths all inclusive!
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