13th Jan, Wild camp Condor to Coyhaique (41.3M)
Todays ride was lovely. I was definitely feeling the love
for the bike again and Gareth was getting there. The suncream was back in use,
We had a tail wind for most of the day and at least half the day was on good
gravel roads, hard packed and easy to cycle on. The road was really quiet and we
could easily bird watch and chat. We passed a few cyclists heading the other way
and cars every so often. Definitely the better route choice than going all the way to Coyhaique on busier and longer tarmaced roads.
Arriving in Coyhaique required cycling up a final pull where
I really did think my chain or my knees might snap. Thankfully neither did.
It´s been a while, but Gareth and I felt we´d well earned after
all those days of strict budgeting and cycling our celebratory double scoop
ice cream, which we purchased and promptly ate in the plaza.
Next stop was phone centre so that Gareth could wish his Mum
Happy Birthday and then find a campsite. Dinner consisted of fresh salad, cheese, cold meats and
wine, delicious and none of which we´d had for a while.
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