The Leaving Party

The Leaving Party

Party and the off

We're off again on our travels!!!
After months of thinking about it, formulating the plan, booking our flights and last minute packing we were in need of a farewell party with a fine mix of Tod harriers, Calderdale tri club members and West Mount Vets staff. The theme was Heros and Villains, creating a good opportunity to get the fancy dress box out. Mr and Mrs Incredible hosted the party with fine attendences from Dangermouse, Trinity, Bonnie and Clyde, Calamity Jane and Wyatt Earp (or was it Woody from Toy Story), Number 1, Santa, The one and only miniture hero and may more.
Two weeks since the party now and our Bikes and bags are packed. A marathon has been run and we are ready to go......

Monday, 16 January 2012

Rest and repair

14th-16th Jan. Coyhaique
We needed some recovery and repair time off the bikes so we decided that we´d stop in Coyhaique until Tuesday. Gareth spent a lot of time cleaning and repairing the bikes, mine especially, but also adjusting and giving his bike some TLC as well. The gravel roads are certainly hard on the bikes. Lots of rattling around and harsh grit seems to get into everything.
To me fell blog duties. Quite a lot of catching up as there have been no real Internet connections for a while, certainly not high speed enough to cope with uploading photos. 
My bad luck also doesn´t quite seemed to have finished yet as yesterday I returned to the tent to find that my thermarest has a huge airbubble about where my shoulder goes. Looks like some of the air compartments have broken down. I have therefore created ´Sarah´s list of woes´, some of which have now been fixed, but others we will have to live with; Gareth´s bad back (on the mend now), no money (all fine now, lots of ATMs in Coyhaique), broken bike (better now, lovingly fixed by Gareth), lost cleat screw (now replaced), lots and lots of rain (not so at the moment), broken tent pole, dodgey saucepan handle, broken thermarest (will have to live with as no replacements or repairs here) and broken crocs (repaired by me).
Despite my woes, which I can laugh about at the moment, it´s been a good few rest days. Now ready to get back on the bike, out of the city and continue the Carretera Austral southwards.
Tired? or is it the beer?

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